ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODБизнес 16-сен-2020, 00:06 0 277
The growth of indicators in official statistics, as well as Kazakhstan's entry into the TOP-25 of the best in doing business among 190 countries in the World Bank's Doing Business ranking confirm the effectiveness of measures taken to create favorable conditions for business development. Today, Kazakhstan has not only taken 25th place in the World Bank ranking, but has also become one of the countries that have implemented regulatory reforms in the context of more than three indicators of ease of doing business in 2017-2018, having risen 11 positions up from 2017 (2017 city - 36th place, 2018 - 28th place).
In the course of their activities, business entities must comply with the laws of the country, the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, as well as ensure the safety and quality of goods, works, services in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These obligations must be observed by business entities also during the moratorium.
 The measures taken allow us to unlock the entrepreneurial potential, improve the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, which contributes to economic growth and improve the welfare of the country. Achievement of the country in the Doing Business ranking indicates the potential for strengthening this position, but also sets the task of entering the TOP-20 countries with the best conditions for doing business. In this regard, in order to improve the results achieved, the Government has worked on the development of the 8th package of legislative amendments on improving the business climate within the framework of Doing Business rating indicators, the adoption of which will positively affect business development, will attract additional investment in the country. Today, the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts Regarding the Improvement of the Business Climate” includes about 200 amendments to more than 30 regulatory legal acts. Along with the introduction of legislative standards for improving business, financial support is provided to businesses within the framework of the State programs “Business Roadmap-2025” and the lending mechanism for priority projects. At the same time, budget funds in the amount of 421 billion tenge were allocated for the implementation of the Program for the next 4 years, and target indicators corresponding to the strategic development plan of the country until 2025 were also set.
 Based on the results of the Program, an increase in the share of SMEs in GDP of at least 35% is expected, bringing the share of manufacturing in the structure of GDP by at least 13.4%.
ПЕРЕВОД СТАТЬИ:Мусладин Айдана

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