ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODБизнес 11-сен-2020, 23:12 0 297
  The TenQogam Center for Employment of People with Disabilities has started its work in Almaty, Kazinform correspondent reports.
  According to Lyazzat Kaltayeva, chairwoman of the Shyrak Association of Women with Disabilities, the project is conceived as a platform to help people with disabilities, where they can obtain qualifications or improve existing ones.
  “The experience of the Association of Women with Disabilities“ Shyrak ”in the field of employment of people with disabilities has shown that government measures to support employment are ineffective in relation to our community. Even if a person succeeds in finding a job, it is not always possible to keep a job - a work contract lasts a maximum of one and a half to two months, ”Lyazzat Kaltaeva said.
  The main tasks of the TenQogam team are, firstly, to provide people with disabilities with all the necessary knowledge and skills that they need to find and get a job. And, secondly, to overcome the existing stereotypes in Kazakhstani society, which prevent people with disabilities from being part of the labor market and realizing their potential.
  “We realized that it is necessary to adopt international experience in creating a system of supported employment. This system allows a person not only to get a referral to specialized courses or work. It allows you to fully prepare for employment, that is, a person undergoes career guidance, receives support in employment. The center also provides knowledge and skills that will help people with disabilities to be competitive in the labor market: finding a desired job, writing a resume, passing an interview, socialization skills in a team. This is a large system that we are building in the center of Ten Qogam, ”explained Lyazzat Kaltaeva.
  Leading psychologists, employment coaches and legal consultants were invited to operate the center. The project program is structured so that specialists can work individually with those who apply to TenQogam for support.  One of the important functions of TenQogam is job coaching. This is the support of job seekers in the search and the initial period of employment - from six months or more. The center's specialists will also work with employers to prepare the company's management and employees for the acceptance of a person with a disability into the team.
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