ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODБизнес 10-сен-2020, 10:52 0 277
  How the townspeople can implement a project for the improvement of Almaty for budgetary funds: the conditions of the project "Participation budget" are named, the correspondent of MIA "Kazinform" reports.
  Thus, in Almaty, within the framework of the Participation Budget program for 2019, applications were submitted for 333 projects totaling 14.5 billion tenge. According to the voting results, 55 projects for 1.4 billion tenge were allowed to be implemented. Almas Batanov, head of the strategy and budget department of Almaty, said that this year the Ministry of Finance approved the rules for implementing the budget of public participation.
  “The main changes affected the volume of financing. Last year, 500 million tenge were allocated for each district, now this amount will be 800 million tenge. Also, the marginal cost of 1 project proposal will amount to 55.5 million tenge. Last year this amount was 100 million tenge, ”Almas Batanov said.
  Acceptance of applications for 2021 has already begun. As of September 3, 12 applications were received. Reception will be carried out until October 5 at The second stage is project evaluation.
  “The expert council within a week from the date of the deadline for accepting project proposals will conduct an analysis for compliance with the project criteria. Based on the results of the assessment, a preliminary admission protocol is prepared. Then it is published on the official Internet resource, as well as a proposal for finalizing the project, ”explained Almas Batanov, adding that the finalization of projects by the authors will be carried out within four days.
  The revised projects are considered within two days, drawn up in a protocol and published on the website within one working day. Since the posting of project proposals on the website on November 8 of this year, residents who have passed authorization on the website are voting.
  “Taking into account the past experience, we expand the possibilities of voting not only by means of EDS, but also on the basis of IIN with a confirmation SMS code, as well as on paper with the appropriate installation of ballot boxes in each district under the akimats,” Almas Batanov said.
  On the basis of the voting results, the expert council sums up the results and makes an appropriate decision. At the same time, project proposals for which less than 10 residents voted are not allowed for implementation. The voting results and the decision of the Expert Council will be published on the website and in the media.
  In conclusion, the district akimats and departments form budget applications and projects that will be financed in accordance with budgetary legislation.
  It should be noted that the priority areas according to the rules of the Ministry of Finance are projects on landscaping the territory, arranging sidewalks, building and repairing sidewalks, ramps, irrigation ditches, creating, repairing and lighting common areas (parks, squares, pedestrian zones and other objects), repairing curbs, paving stones, retaining walls, elimination of landfills, installation, repair and lighting of sports (gym, football, basketball, volleyball fields), children's playgrounds in courtyards and public places.
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