Motorcycle, hair dryer and Colombia: 7 things to watch out for miscellanea    

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODАвто-мото 03-окт-2020, 01:25 0 365
Every day we surround ourselves with dozens of objects and people. Most of them are completely harmless to us. However, sometimes things, places or transportation we know about can be unsafe. In our review, there are 7 things and places that pose a real threat to humans.
For many years, the plane has been considered the safest mode of transport. However, sometimes the flight itself is successful, but the point of arrival can conceal a real threat. Paro Airport in Bhutan is rightfully called the most dangerous of these places.
The thing is that it is located at an altitude of two kilometers above sea level, and the buildings themselves and the runway are located in an area surrounded by mountains on all sides. Airplanes have to maneuver a lot to land. It is so difficult to land here that only 8 pilots in the world have permission for such a "maneuver".
2. Road
There are many roads in the world, driving on which requires attentiveness and caution from drivers. However, China's Golian Tunnel is so dangerous that there are certain thoughts about the special fearlessness of those who built it. In fact, cutting a road in the rock is a decision of the desperate inhabitants of the Golian village.
Previously, to communicate with civilization, the locals used a staircase on a steep cliff, the use of which was extremely risky and sometimes ended in tragedy. In five years of work, they built their way straight through the 1200 meters long mountain. Today, the dangerous tunnel is a local attraction and often attracts desperate extreme lovers.
3. Professions
The phrase "All professions are needed, all professions are important", perhaps, will never lose its relevance. Despite the fact that some of the truly necessary activities can be life threatening. And yet, there are always those who are ready to do this necessary work despite the risks involved. And in this case, it is simply impossible to limit ourselves to mentioning only one type of occupation.
Today, there are three most unsafe professions: miners, military and construction workers. Every year, a considerable number of those killed among those who defend the Motherland appear for obvious reasons. But the large number of tragic incidents in mines and on construction sites is most often explained not so much by the danger of the profession itself, as by the failure of some workers to comply with elementary safety rule
4. Sports 
Among the many sports, there are many that are considered truly extreme and risky. However, base jumping is considered the most dangerous today. Moreover, he has kept this bar almost from the beginning of his official existence.
The very name of the extreme sport, in which jumping from fixed objects of low altitude with the help of small parachutes, was invented only in 1978, although isolated cases of such entertainments were recorded earlier. The statistics of tragic base jumping episodes are alarmingly large: according to, 325 people have died over the past 35 years. The main reason for these frightening numbers is cited as insufficient training of athletes or equipment. 
5. Country
More than 70 years have passed since the end of World War II. However, even after a long time, individual countries continue to be in a state of local conflicts between bandit formations, and the authorities are unable to control them. Such states are not desirable for tourists to visit, because even local residents are not safe there.
Colombia is the first in the ranking of countries that are not recommended to visit. This state is itself like a powder keg. A number of criminal groups and armed formations operate in it. The government is unable to fight them, and, accordingly, cannot guarantee the safety of citizens and tourists.
6. Household appliance
Perhaps every person in his house or apartment has quite a lot of household appliances, without which he can no longer imagine his daily life. However, these devices can not only help in the household, but also really harm.
Among all the variety of household appliances, a hairdryer is considered the most unsafe. The reason for this, at first glance, an unusual choice is the electromagnetic radiation of the device, which we constantly keep in close proximity to the head during its use. In addition, the hairdryer is powered by the mains, and at the same time is often used in the bathroom, next to water, which also does not add to its safety.
7. Transport
The safest way to travel on the ground is by air, that is, by plane. But the greatest threat to life is transport, which makes up only 1% of the total. However, at the same time, it accounts for every fifth death on the road.
It's about a motorcycle. Small, maneuverable and developing at great speeds, transport attracts many extreme and outright reckless drivers. But all these advantages often lead to a tragic ending. The main reasons for the terrible statistics among motorcycle enthusiasts are non-compliance with safety and speed limits 
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