When will the production of your car begin in Kazakhstan?

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODАвто-мото 11-сен-2020, 22:39 0 299
An outstanding leader can easily influence the rapid development of a business. The president of the Allur Group of automotive companies, Andrey Lavrentyev, reveals the secret of how to turn the start-up capital of $ 20 thousand and a garage box into the largest car manufacturer in Kazakhstan with an annual turnover of $ 270 million in 10 years.
Today Lavrentiev looks far beyond the horizon and plans that in another 10 years most of Kazakhstanis will prefer locally made cars, including cars from Allur Auto. According to his calculations, by that time the company's turnover could reach about $ 2 billion. It is quite possible to achieve such a result, Andrei Lavrentyev believes, because Kazakhstan now has all the conditions for the development of its own auto industry.
Lawyer with a medical bias
It is difficult to say what fate Andrei's parents dreamed about, but they hardly imagined that by the age of 33 their son would manage hundreds of millions in foreign currency. They could not teach him this, but they gave him their strong character traits, which came in handy decades later. Andrey's father is Sergey Petrovich, an engineer for technical hydraulic structures, a candidate of sciences, according to whose project a dam was built on the Bartogai reservoir. At one time, this project caused a lot of controversy, because it used a new mine spillway system. The institute where Andrei's father worked was engaged in the development of the reclamation system in Kazakhstan.
There was no talk of leadership positions, and the former student was asked to become a parts salesman with a salary of $ 200“I often visited my father's work - the kindergarten where I went was very close,” Andrei Lavrentiev recalls. - I remember what a strong impression the testing laboratories of the Institute made on me then: all these models of platinum, channels, testing for the resistance of structures to earthquakes. I saw the painstaking, sometimes meticulous work of engineers and thanks to this, from childhood, I clearly understood that things must be brought to the end. "
In addition to the fact that Andrey's father is an engineer, he is also a military man with the rank of colonel. Andrey's grandfather - Peter Fedorovich, a front-line soldier, pilot, after the war worked as the director of "Kazhydromet", being a doctor of science. The male line of the military and engineers was strengthened by the influence of Ella Antonovna's mother, who worked as an economist at the State Planning Committee - from her Andrei inherited a systematic approach. Moreover, on my mother’s side, grandfather, grandmother and aunt are teachers, “engineers of human souls”. In the future, Andrey will be helped by the experience of the teaching dynasty in building relationships with the team and partners. Therefore, many people characterize Andrey as a responsive and patient leader, comrade and colleague.

When Andrei entered the second grade, his mother became very ill. Then he decided that all people on Earth should be healthy - he took the documents at the end of the 8th grade and went to study for a medical assistant at a medical college without telling his parents. For some, the childhood dream is space, for others - medicine. However, he did not start working as a doctor, having seen enough of what was happening in healthcare in the early 90s of the last century. His next decision in his studies was jurisprudence, which he was taught at the Higher School of Law. In his last year, Andrei got married, and it was time to bring money to the family, but there were no vacancies by profession, despite an excellent education and constant job searches.Surely Andrei would have become a lawyer, if not for an accidental job offer from his brother, who at that time worked as a financial director at the Bavaria automobile center. There could be no talk of any leadership positions, so the former student was asked to become a salesman of spare parts with a salary of $ 200. “At first it was interesting - after all, the first job, but after a few months it became boring, and, to tell the truth, there was not enough money: the family, the spouse in a position. I talked to the director, asked for a part-time job, and began to take care of the lawn for an additional $ 50 a month, ”says Andrey Lavrentiev.After some time, the demand for cars in Kazakhstan increased, the company needed additional employees, and Andrey was offered to go to the customs department. In 2001, he headed the customs and logistics department of the BavarThe automotive business of the early 2000s was rapidly gaining momentum, becoming more interesting and promising for investment. Therefore, Andrei Lavrentyev decides with senior partners Nurlan Adilov and Gafur Iksan to start their own business - to rent a service room in which they opened a service station on Satpayev Street, Lenin corner, in Almaty. Having invested $ 20 thousand in renting a box with an area of 1000 "squares", its decoration, tools, they began to think about what to call the company. After going through many options, Gafur Iksan, being at that time a co-owner of the company, suggested stopping at the horse race, which is available only to thoroughbred horses - the gait. Everyone supported this name. Since then, the company became known as Allur Auto, and entered the market with a confident gait.ia auto center, having worked in this position until 2003.
As a specialization, Korean cars were chosen, of which there were a lot in Kazakhstan by that time, and there was an extremely shortage of service centers. It was difficult to start a business, both financially and morally, because at Bayern Munich Andrei worked in a suit, and you cannot come to an oil-filled hangar in a white shirt. Therefore, they made repairs, put up a meeting room, changed workers' clothes, opened a cafe. “After things got going, I had a strong conviction that Allur Auto needed a well-known car brand,” says Lavrentiev. - And what brand can a service station receive, of which there are a thousand in the country and which has only service experience behind it? We sent out a mass mailing of proposals to many car manufacturers, to which only SsangYong responded
Источник: https://m.forbes.kz/process/expertise/jajda_skorosti_1
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